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Available Online

Music Production/Song Writing

Empowering Young Creatives in the Digital Music World

  • 1 hour
  • Zoom or Google Meet

Service Description

Specifically crafted for budding musicians aged 13-18 with intermediate or advanced skills on their chosen instrument, our Music Production lessons provide a unique opportunity to marry their instrumental mastery with the art of digital music creation. To ensure a smooth learning experience, students will need access to a personal computer capable of installing music production software. These comprehensive lessons invite your child to dive into the fascinating world of songwriting, instrument recording, sampling, and programming. Additionally, they'll be introduced to the crucial techniques of mixing and mastering, transforming their raw recordings into professionally polished tracks. This is a remarkable way to nurture your child's musical prowess and tech skills, paving the way for a well-rounded journey in modern music creation.

Contact Details

West Porters Lake, NS, Canada

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